Now is the time for multigenerational adventure travel

Written by Carol Austin | May 5, 2023 12:00:00 PM
Let’s chat about one of my favorite segments of travel! Now more than ever it’s the perfect time for multigenerational adventure travel. Personally, I’m really looking forward to our first family adventure with our five-month-old granddaughter Lily this coming June. Let’s dig in and talk about why now? First, after being cooped up for so long due to the pandemic, people are itching to get out of the house and explore. And what better way to do that than by traveling with your loved ones? Secondly, now is a great time for multigenerational adventure travel because it allows you to create more meaningful connections. When you’re traveling with people of different ages you see things from their perspective and learn more about each other. It can be a bonding experience that brings the family closer together.

But what exactly is multigenerational adventure travel, you ask? Well, it can mean different things to different people, but generally it’s about exploring new places and having exciting experiences together as a family. This can range from hiking in the mountains to going on a safari in Africa. One of our favorite family trips was a river rafting trip on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. We were able to spend time together as a family while enjoying the beautiful scenery and getting our adrenaline pumping. It was a wonderful experience that we will never forget.

You might be thinking that traveling with your extended family could be difficult. And while it’s true that there may be some challenges, the benefits far outweigh them. Here are a few tips to make your multigenerational adventure travel run smoothly:

  1. Include everyone in the discovery stage, eventually one or two of you might spearhead the final planning stages. Have a family meeting and make your “wish list”.
  2. Start planning early, especially for popular destinations or during the holidays. This will ensure the things that are important to you can be achieved.
  3. Be flexible, remember that everyone has different needs and wants. Be open to adjusting the itinerary as needed to accommodate everyone. Options are nice, but don’t have too many, that’s also overwhelming.
  4. Consider everyone’s physical abilities, make sure the activities you’re planning are suitable for everyone’s fitness level. Remember, it’s ok if you want to have a down day. You can compare notes at the end of the day when you’re all together again.
  5. Above all, don’t forget to enjoy the experience and have fun with your family. For many it’s the only time you see each other during the year. I once had a guest tell me “You can’t give your children a better gift, thank the gift of travel”. It’s my motto!

The key to a successful multigenerational adventure trip is to find activities and destinations that will appeal to everyone in the family. For example, if you have young children and grandparents in your group, a strenuous hike may not be the best option. Instead, find trails that are family-friendly and offer scenic views that everyone can enjoy. Furthermore, plan for downtime and relaxation, as well as adventure. This will give everyone a chance to unwind and recharge. Another important aspect of planning a multigenerational adventure trip is finding accommodations that will work for everyone. This could mean renting a large house or cabin that has enough bedrooms and bathrooms for everyone or staying at a resort that offers a variety of activities and amenities.

One of the biggest benefits of multigenerational adventure travel is the opportunity it provides to spend quality time together. With busy schedules and the stresses of everyday life, it can be tough to find time to connect with family members. In the great outdoors you are disconnected from technology and surrounded by stunning scenery, it’s easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm. Kids are actively learning and having fun at the same time. Regardless of age, each family member interjects their unique perspectives and experiences, making for a more enriching experience for everyone. Whether it’s learning about the history and culture of a new destination or trying your hand at fishing, hiking, or kayaking, the possibilities for intergenerational learning are endless.

We all can relate to the “Priceless MasterCard” commercials. The most important benefit of multigenerational adventure travel is the memories that we create. These are the stories that will be passed down from generation to generation and the experiences that will be remembered for years to come. From impromptu dance parties around the campfire to road trips spent belting out your favorite songs, these are the moments that matter.

Planning a multigenerational adventure trip can seem daunting. With varied interests, abilities, and schedules, it can be tough to find a trip that works for everyone. But don’t let that stop you. There are plenty of tour operators and travel companies that specialize in multigenerational travel, taking the guesswork out of planning and ensuring a stress-free experience for all.